Folan Engineering AB

About Folan

Folan AB was founded 1982 by Professor Fredy Olsson and Lars Nilsson to develop combustion engines for small volume markets.

The company today runs a production line of industrial type engines around 1000cc, the main market being firepump units. The current model is called the W03 and comes in different versions. Development is going on to make it adaptable to snowmobile and boat use. Other models being developed is, an engine for quads and gokarts.

Folan has facilities to make prototype machining and small batch production runs. We reverse engineer old engines and components. Specialities are crankshafts ,gearboxes and casting tools.

For engineering design work we use Solidworks and Cadkey. We have one eddycurrent dyno to test our engines and are building two more test stations for production testing.

Inquieries for engineering work are welcome.

To be continued....... ©2006 Folan Engineering AB. All rights reserved.